Use the ‘Copy Script to Clipboard’ button on the right to do just that.
Then, in Casebook, CTRL+V to paste the script into your notes.
Relationships, generic script Q’s:
Has the client contacted us or anyone else about this before:(If yes state who)
Is there any conflict of interest? (If ‘yes’ state name or N/A)
Has the client confirmed they have access to the internet access and can use it?
Has the client confirmed they are able to read and act on information on the internet or by email?
If ‘no’, is there anyone else who can support client with this?
Assess client’s overall communication skills (with or without email access can client write letters, cope with forms)
Is client vulnerable in any way (mental or physical problems, educational difficulties etc.)?
Profile & Consent:
Has the client given permission to record details today?
Has the client given permission to share details with research partner? OR Client wishes to remain unnamed and was given their Client Reference Number? (delete whichever is not applicable)
Check client profile details and update if necessary – record information
Update special category consents
Client details
What benefits are you receiving at the moment (ensure added to profile)?
Is anyone else in your household receiving benefits?
Do you have any children dependent on you (number and ages)
Details about the issue
Client details
Partner’s name – CONFLICT CHECK
Are you married, in a civil partnership or living together?
If married outside UK, where was that?
How long have you been married, in a civil partnership, living together?
What is your housing status – rent/ mortgage – joint names or in one name?
Where does your income come from ie. benefits/earnings/child support?
Key dates to record
Date of the marriage/civil partnership.
Date of separation.
Are there any emergencies, e.g. domestic violence, nowhere to stay?
Present situation, e.g. are you still living together?
Are there any children involved?
There is legal protection for people who have been discriminated against on the grounds of race/gender/disability/sexual orientation/religion or belief/age. Do you think this could apply to your situation? If yes – full advice interview.
What have you done so far? E.g. consulted a solicitor, mediation.
What are you hoping we can do for you?
Other issues to check for
Financial difficulties
Immigration status
Information Sources
Next steps
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