Universal Support

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Universal Support, generic script Q’s:

Has the client contacted us or anyone else about this before:(If yes state who)


Is there any conflict of interest? (If ‘yes’ state name or N/A)


Has the client confirmed they have access to the internet access and can use it?


Has the client confirmed they are able to read and act on information on the internet or by email?


If ‘no’, is there anyone else who can support client with this?


Assess client’s overall communication skills (with or without email access can client write letters, cope with forms)


Is client vulnerable in any way (mental or physical problems, educational difficulties etc.)?


Profile & Consent:

Has the client given permission to record details today?


Has the client given permission to share details with research partner? OR Client wishes to remain unnamed and was given their Client Reference Number? (delete whichever is not applicable)


Check client profile details and update if necessary – record information


Update special category consents


Client details

What benefits are you receiving at the moment (ensure added to profile)?


Is anyone else in your household receiving benefits?


Do you have any children dependent on you (number and ages)


Details about the issue

Any health issues?


Details: (remember consent)  Yes/No


Are you between 18 and state pension credit qualifying age?           Yes/No


Are you a UK citizen?  Yes/No


Are you a returning UK resident?       Yes/No




What is your job?       


How many hours?      


How much do you get paid?   £       per week/2weeks/4weeks/month


Are you self-employed?          Yes/No


Are you in full-time education/training?        Yes/No


Is your education non-advanced education and aged under 21        Yes/No


What benefits are you currently receiving?  


Housing Benefit          Yes/No


Income-related ESA    Yes/No


Income-based JSA       Yes/No


CTC      Yes/No


WTC     Yes/No


Income Support           Yes/No


Do you get Council Tax Reduction?    Yes/No


If yes then as soon as you apply for UC inform the council and ask to keep receiving CTR  


Have you recently stopped getting a benefit with a severe disability premium?      Yes/No


Housing – LA housing/HA/privately renting/mortgage/outright ownership


Are there any debts?   Yes/No


If yes then debt gateway needed      


Do you have less than £16k in savings/capital?         Yes/No


Include savings, investments, land/property, one-off payments (e.g. redundancy/loans), personal injury compensation etc.     


Do not include regular/periodical payments.


Do you have dependents?       Yes/No


If yes, how many and their ages.       


Do you have any non-dependent children?    Yes/No


If yes please provide how many and ages.    


Do you have a Partner?          Yes/No


Do you live with them?           Yes/No


Do they receive any benefits? Yes/No


Are they over pension age?    Yes/No


Are you making a UC claim alone or is it a joint claim?         Alone/Joint


Do you have access to the internet at home? Yes/No


Are you confident in using the internet to make a UC application?   Yes/No


Information Sources


Next steps


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