Resources by issue: Family

ResourceResource NotesContact DetailsTop
Advice Now

Advicenow provides clear, step-by-step, user-friendly practical guides, and 'top picks' from the rest of the web, to help you manage life's legal problems.

AdviceNow self help guides

Advicenow guides are easy-to-read and practical. They explain what you need to know, where you need to go, and what you need to do to solve your problem.

Alcohol (and drug) addiction

Open Road

Helping families recover from the effects of drug and alcohol addiction.
0844 499 1323

Bereaved customers

British Banking Association leaflet

A guide to help you if you need to settle the banking affairs of someone who has died.


Counsellors specialising in working with problem gambling.

01273 833722

British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy

BACP is the professional association for members of the counselling professions in the UK. We exist for one simple reason - counselling changes lives.


Cafcass stands for Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service.

Cafcass represents children in family court cases in England. We put children’s needs, wishes and feelings first, making sure that children’s voices are heard at the heart of the family court setting, and that decisions are made in their best interests.

Care Home costs - how care assessment needs works

How care needs assessment works / do I have to pay for care services?

Money Advice Service -

Essex County Council -

Care Homes – My Home Life Essex Community Association

My Home Life Essex Community Association

Refer self funded individuals for advice on residential homes – options relating to care.

Information and advice on residential care from Independent Age:
0800 319 6789

Care home professional access to information on My Home Life Essex:
0333 0136412

Information on Community Visitors and volunteering in care homes:
0845 017 1095

Chelmsford & Maldon Women’s Aid (Safer Places)

Domestic abuse

01245 493056 (outreach)
01245 493774 (15/05/2018 Number in doubt)
01245 493114 Safer Places

Chelmsford Counselling Foundation

People come to Chelmsford Counselling Foundation (CCF) for many reasons – for example as a result of depression, anxiety, loneliness, difficulty in facing life’s circumstances or relationship difficulties.  For some, memories about the past, painful events in the present or worries about the future may mean they cannot enjoy life or live it in the way they would wish.

01245 284890

Child Maintenance Options

Our calculator can give you an indication of the amount that you could expect to pay or receive.

0800 988 0988

Shortcode: *2 Pause 907

Compass - Essex Domestic Abuse Helpline

COMPASS is funded by Essex County Council in partnership with the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex to support victims of domestic abuse across Southend, Essex and Thurrock.

It will help women, men and young people aged over 16 to access specialist support including community-based services and specialist accommodation to help them recover and move on from domestic abuse.

0330 333 7444


Children’s Legal Centre

Providing legal information and representation on all issues of the law relating to children and young people.

They provide specialist advice and information on child, family and education law to parents, carers and young people.

0300 330 5480
Main Page –
Law Advice sub page –


Crisis is a charity for single homeless people.

0300 636 1967


Internet Matters
A not-for-profit organisation that’s purpose is to help keep children safe in the digital world.

Domestic Violence Helpline (National)

The Freephone 24 Hour National Domestic Violence Helpline, run in partnership between Women's Aid and Refuge, is a national service for women experiencing domestic violence, their family, friends, colleagues and others calling on their behalf.

0808 2000 247

Shortcode: *2 Pause 925

Drug and Alcohol addiction

Open Road

Helping families recover from the effects of drug and alcohol addiction.

0844 499 1323

Essex Mediation

A group of accredited mediators to help clients communicate effectively, discuss practical matters and reach agreement.

01245 492200

Essex Police

Domestic abuse

Dedicated domestic abuse (non emergency) number.

0800 358 0351

Families in Focus

A charity providing holistic support to families of children with disabilities and special needs.

01245 353575

Family Information Service

Was Essex Children’s Information Services.

Offers free and impartial advice for parents about finding childcare, the free early education entitlement and other family services for 0-19 year olds (and individuals up to 25 years with Special Education Needs).

0800 055 6874

Family Lives

A charity offering a range of advice on pregnancy, pre-schooling problems, problems at school, bullying, general family issues and divorce and separation.

0808 800 2222

Family Pack

Info required for Pro Bono Family appointment

Farleigh Hospice – caring for life

Bereavement service.

All other referrals to Farleigh to go via GP.

01245 457300


National Gambling Helpline: 0808 8020 133

Gamblers Anonymous: 0330 094 0322
Chelmsford Gamblers Anonymous,
Holy Trinity Church, Trinity Road, Chelmsford CM2 6HR
Meetings, Wednesday 19:30 - 21:30

Herts Sunflower

Abuse and domestic violence.

08088 088 088

Herts Women's Centre

Women working to support women.

01438 742742

Home Start Essex

Home Start Essex is a charity that supports families with pre-school age children.

Independent Age

Offering regular friendly contact and a strong campaigning voice, Independent Age can provide you and your family with clear, free and impartial advice on the issues that matter: care and support, money and benefits, health and mobility.
A charity founded over 150 years ago, we’re independent so you can be.

0800 319 6789

Legal Advice - free

Chelmsford Library

Mon 10:00 - 12:00: Legal support
Tue   10:00 - 12:00: Parental support
Wednesdays once a month topic varies
Thu 10:00 -12:00: Budget and money support.

Information not validated see

Deborah Aloha
07940 384785


Domestic abuse for men.

01823 334244

Marriage Care

We specialise in helping couples build and sustain strong, fulfilling, healthy relationships, and in providing support in times of relationship difficulty.

Why? Because better relationships make for better lives, more stable families and a stronger society.

We’re ready to help, whatever your circumstances.

0800 389 3801

Maternity - Working Families

Through our free legal advice helpline, we assist parents and carers in tackling complex issues around employment rights and benefits for families. We give employers the tools and guidance they need to support their employees while creating a flexible, high-performing workforce. And we advocate on behalf of the UK’s 13 million working parents, influencing policy through campaigns informed by ground-breaking research.

0300 012 0312

Some useful publications:

A weekly guide to maternity rights and benefits:

Maternity Action

Rights and entitlements during pregnancy, maternity leave and returning to work.

0808 802 0029 (Wednesday: 3pm – 7pm; Thursday: 3pm – 7pm; Friday: 10am – 2pm)

National Family Mediation

Helping families in conflict, especially those divorcing or separating.

0300 4000 636

Open Road

Helping families recover from the effects of drug and alcohol addiction.
0844 499 1323


How to obtain probate leaflet

Probate Offices


Domestic abuse for women and children.

0808 2000 247


We’re the UK's largest provider of relationship support, and every year we help over a million people of all ages, backgrounds and sexual orientations to strengthen their relationships.

0300 100 1234

Shortcode: *2 Pause 112

Renew Counselling

Renew offers a wide range of high-quality, affordable and effective counselling and therapy services for children, adults, couples and a school service.

01245 359353

Safer Places

Domestic Abuse.

0845 0177 668


116 123 (free)


Domestic abuse.

Essex Partnership of Essex of Rape Crisis Centres.

0300 003 7777

Victim Support

For people affected by crime or traumatic events to get the support they need and the respect they deserve.

0808 168 9111

Vulnerable Person Register

Chelmsford City Council Emergency Planning.

To speed up processes, evacuation etc. in the event of an emergency.

01245 606921

Working Families - Maternity

Through our free legal advice helpline, we assist parents and carers in tackling complex issues around employment rights and benefits for families. We give employers the tools and guidance they need to support their employees while creating a flexible, high-performing workforce. And we advocate on behalf of the UK’s 13 million working parents, influencing policy through campaigns informed by ground-breaking research.

0300 012 0312

Some useful publications:

A weekly guide to maternity rights and benefits: