Resources I

Client Issue Abbreviations: BNF – Benefits, BSN – Business, CNS – Consumer, DBT – Debt, DSB – Disabilities / Health,
FML – Family, HSN – Housing, 
IMM – Immigration, LAW – Law, NON – No issue, OTH – Other, TAX – Tax, WRK – Work.
ResourceResource NotesContact DetailsIssueTop
Immigration Law Practitioners Association

Provide information to members and others on domestic and European immigration, asylum and nationality law

020 7251 8383

Independent Age

Offering regular friendly contact and a strong campaigning voice, Independent Age can provide you and your family with clear, free and impartial advice on the issues that matter: care and support, money and benefits, health and mobility.
A charity founded over 150 years ago, we’re independent so you can be.

0800 319 6789

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Dedicated to improving the emotional well-being and opportunities of young people and young adults with disabilities, primarily learning disabilities/difficulties and autism.

01245 608201